All orders are shipped from our US warehouse. Once your order ships, you’ll receive a shipping confirmation with tracking info by email.
Due to courier restrictions and the risk of credit card fraud, we cannot deliver to PO BOXES.
If your package arrives damaged in shipping or with missing content, please contact us at within 24 hours after delivery and we will process your request. Make sure to include photo documentation and notify the courier company as well.
In the occasion you receive a damaged package, we recommend refusing your delivery directly and contacting us immediately.
You may return your order / product within 30 days from the date received.
However, you must contact us before the return period expires by sending a request to with a valid order number or receipt.
Products may be sent back within 14 days from the day you receive your order. Shipping costs are paid by the customer on all returns. Shipping charges from our warehouse will not be refunded.
Products must be returned in the same condition as received.
Returned products must be in their original container with all labels, protective stickers and packed with care.
We reserve the right to impose a processing fee or refuse to accept a return which fails to comply with these instructions.
Refunds will be made to the source of original purchase.
Figo Inc. will not be held responsible in the case of lost packages during returns.